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LEADERSHIP GAP SYNDROME : Millennial Leadership Skill (English Version)

Harga aslinya adalah: Rp125.000.Harga saat ini adalah: Rp106.250.

Currently, it can be ascertained that most corporations, organizations and bureaucracies in it are living in 3 generations at once, they are Generation X, Generation Y or referred to as the Colonial Generation and Generation Z or the Millennial Generation.

It is true that there has been a wide gaping Leadership Gap Syndrome, namely when the Colonial Generation imposes deliberately or unintentionally uses it, the “Colonial” Leadership Style that is “outdated” and irrelevant or unsuitable for the Millennial Generation, has an impact on the occurrence of friction or friction between superiors and the team, and when they stutter and fail to overcome it, the friction grows into conflicts, and it is this conflict that interferes with the Function and Productivity of Leadership.

Always remember that if the leader fails to understand and diagnose Leadership Gap Syndrome, there is a high possibility that he will be infected with Leadership. Gap Syndrome consciously or unconsciously, and if that happens then it could be that the Leadership Gap Syndrome is getting worse towards a chronic stage, and if this happens then the leader will transform into Leaders Who Destroy and if the leader has become a Leaders Who Destroy is certain that he will fail to produce #BIGBUSINESS.

The Millennial Leadership Skills developed in this book present, techniques for Diagnosing Leadership Gap Syndrome as well as insights into Therapy to overcome Leadership Gap Syndrome, so that leaders will continue to be relevant to the changing times and their leadership will be more productive in growing employees and the business they lead.

Currently, it can be ascertained that most corporations, organizations and bureaucracies in it are living in 3 generations at once, they are Generation X, Generation Y or referred to as the Colonial Generation and Generation Z or the Millennial Generation.

It is true that there has been a wide gaping Leadership Gap Syndrome, namely when the Colonial Generation imposes deliberately or unintentionally uses it, the “Colonial” Leadership Style that is “outdated” and irrelevant or unsuitable for the Millennial Generation, has an impact on the occurrence of friction or friction between superiors and the team, and when they stutter and fail to overcome it, the friction grows into conflicts, and it is this conflict that interferes with the Function and Productivity of Leadership.

Always remember that if the leader fails to understand and diagnose Leadership Gap Syndrome, there is a high possibility that he will be infected with Leadership. Gap Syndrome consciously or unconsciously, and if that happens then it could be that the Leadership Gap Syndrome is getting worse towards a chronic stage, and if this happens then the leader will transform into Leaders Who Destroy and if the leader has become a Leaders Who Destroy is certain that he will fail to produce #BIGBUSINESS.

The Millennial Leadership Skills developed in this book present, techniques for Diagnosing Leadership Gap Syndrome as well as insights into Therapy to overcome Leadership Gap Syndrome, so that leaders will continue to be relevant to the changing times and their leadership will be more productive in growing employees and the business they lead.

Jumlah Halaman

xxx + 190


Jazak Yus Afriansyah, Iman Permana

Ukuran Buku

14 x 20
