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Bintang Pustaka I Penerbit Buku Pendidikan I Anggota IKAPI

Crossing the Border, Connecting the Culture


We cannot give the term ‘travel writing’ an exact definition. Nevertheless, generally, it is any form of writing that details the places seen and experiences encountered by the author while traveling. The purpose of travel writing is to introduce us to new places, people, and ideas. Travel writing that is truly excellent can take us to distant lands, offer us a glimpse of exotic locale along with a peek of rich culture, and serve as a source of inspiration or solace. Also, travel writing can broaden our horizons to different cultures and possible ways of living, encouraging greater empathy for other people and increasing our sense of wonder about the world. Reading travel literature allow us to virtually travel to locations we might not otherwise have the opportunity to see through the power of language.

This book is entitled “Crossing the Border, Connecting the Culture.” It is a travel writing compilation written by five outstanding authors from Malaysia. This book contains the story of their journey and newly found friendship in Yogyakarta, Madrid, Australia, Korea, and Malaysia. The stories are exceptionally well composed and make individuals who have read them feel the same experience and emotion as the authors.

We cannot give the term ‘travel writing’ an exact definition. Nevertheless, generally, it is any form of writing that details the places seen and experiences encountered by the author while traveling. The purpose of travel writing is to introduce us to new places, people, and ideas. Travel writing that is truly excellent can take us to distant lands, offer us a glimpse of exotic locale along with a peek of rich culture, and serve as a source of inspiration or solace. Also, travel writing can broaden our horizons to different cultures and possible ways of living, encouraging greater empathy for other people and increasing our sense of wonder about the world. Reading travel literature allow us to virtually travel to locations we might not otherwise have the opportunity to see through the power of language.

This book is entitled “Crossing the Border, Connecting the Culture.” It is a travel writing compilation written by five outstanding authors from Malaysia. This book contains the story of their journey and newly found friendship in Yogyakarta, Madrid, Australia, Korea, and Malaysia. The stories are exceptionally well composed and make individuals who have read them feel the same experience and emotion as the authors.


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