Bismillahirahmanirrahim. Alhamdulillah, all the praise and grace belong to Allah SWT who has given the opportunity to us so that we could complete this book, which is a convertible book of a thesis. Likewise, to all the parties who help us from the beginning until it finally become a book called An Optimalisation of Optical Flow Model Captured by a Moving Camera.
“Manajemen Guru Meningkatkan Disiplin & Kinerja Guru” telah ditambahkan ke keranjang belanja Anda. Lihat keranjang
Moving Object Detection : An Optimalitation of Optical Flow Model Captured by a Moving Camera
Rp70.000 Harga aslinya adalah: Rp70.000.Rp63.000Harga saat ini adalah: Rp63.000.
We acknowledge that this book is far away from perfect. Therefore, we apologies if there is an unintentionally mistake or an error in this book. A constructive critics and suggestions are very welcome in order to improve the quality of our future work.
Kategori: Pendidikan
Tag: #buku, #Bukupendidikan, #movingobject

Berat | 200 gram |
ISBN | 978-623-386-064-2 |
Jenis Kertas | HVS 70 Gram |
Jumlah Halaman | vi + 50 |
Kategori | Pendidikan |
Laminasi Cover | Doff |
Penulis | Nuriza Pramita |
Tahun Terbit | September 2021 |
Ukuran Buku | 15.5×23 cm |
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