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Pragmatics : A Reference for Foreign Language Teaching

Original price was: Rp90.000.Current price is: Rp76.500.

The ways and principles regarding the language that is used for the purpose of communication could be explored in pragmatics. The pragmatics term is considered as a study related to meaning based on the situational, conditional, and contextual occurrences that might be used to communicate. This is why the language learners and language users should understand the pragmatics concept.

Pragmatics: A Reference for Foreign Language Teaching is written by reviewing the literatures as well as considering the reality in English language teaching issues. In this book, the writer wants to try to talk about some basic understanding in meaning of language related to the context and situational condition. Moreover, the writer also wants to make a stress on some necessities in learning pragmatics specifically related to the context of English language teaching and learning activities.

It is hoped that this book can be useful to develop and to enrich the literatures with reference to the context of linguistics and pragmatics. Finally, the materials in this book can also be useful as the references for the researcher, practitioner, teacher, student, and society who need the sources regarding the pragmatics study.

The ways and principles regarding the language that is used for the purpose of communication could be explored in pragmatics. The pragmatics term is considered as a study related to meaning based on the situational, conditional, and contextual occurrences that might be used to communicate. This is why the language learners and language users should understand the pragmatics concept.

Pragmatics: A Reference for Foreign Language Teaching is written by reviewing the literatures as well as considering the reality in English language teaching issues. In this book, the writer wants to try to talk about some basic understanding in meaning of language related to the context and situational condition. Moreover, the writer also wants to make a stress on some necessities in learning pragmatics specifically related to the context of English language teaching and learning activities.

It is hoped that this book can be useful to develop and to enrich the literatures with reference to the context of linguistics and pragmatics. Finally, the materials in this book can also be useful as the references for the researcher, practitioner, teacher, student, and society who need the sources regarding the pragmatics study.

Jumlah Halaman

viii + 106


Aksendro Maximilian

Ukuran Buku

14.5 x 20.5
