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Bintang Pustaka I Penerbit Buku Pendidikan I Anggota IKAPI


The Implementation of Forced-air Blanket, Warm Blanket and Its Combination (A Post-Operative Hypothermic Patients Therapy)

Harga aslinya adalah: Rp85.000.Harga saat ini adalah: Rp80.000.

I want to thank every party that has contributed to the process of writing this book. Undoubtedly countless people have helped me that I have not been able to mention one by one. Thank you does not seem sufficient, but it is expressed (which in this case is written through these words of mine) with appreciation and respect to everyone who has directly or even indirectly helped me in the successful completion of my book.

This book is entitled The Implementation of Forced-air Blanket, Warm Blanket, and its Combination: A Post-Operative Hypothermic Patients Therapy. This book compares the effect of a warm blanket, forced-air blanket, and a combination of a warm blanket and forced-air blanket to the postoperative hypothermia patient.

Berat 250 gram


Jenis Kertas

Bookpaper 57 Gram

Jumlah Halaman

viii + 87


Kedokteran, Kesehatan

Laminasi Cover



Reagen Jimmy Mandias

Tahun Terbit

Januari 2022

Ukuran Buku

15.5×23 cm
